Ustick Townsite Beautification Project - Past Events

Past Events

June 23 2016, Energize Our Neighborhoods hosted Ustick Townsite Project Community Outreach Event.

It was a great pleasure to share the Ustick Townsite Beautification Project concept design with so many interested and supportive West Boise residents!

What was evident was the interest the project is generating with people who have connections to the Ustick Townsite as well as many West Boise residents who are excited about partnering with Energize Our Neighborhoods to revitalize West Boise. Folks shared historic photos and memorabilia from the Ustick Townsite.

This event would not have been possible without the support and guidance of Leon Letson, Boise City Planning & Development and Melinda McGoldrick, Energize Our Neighborhoods. Our thanks to Jeff Aldous of Ustick Albertsons for refreshments and Anna Webb of the Idaho Statesman for her article highlighting the Ustick Townsite project. Thanks to West Valley Neighborhood Association for support and kudos to Parks Estates HOA Board for lighting the fire and keeping the flames going to preserve the historical integrity of the Ustick Townsite.

Concept design
Concept design
Leon Letson explains design
Leon Letson explains design
Ask the neighbors
Ask the neighbors
Information at entrance
Information at entrance
Energize Our Neighborhoods
Energize Our Neighborhoods
More information table
More information table
Discussing Design Concept
Discussing Design Concept
Discussing Design Concept
Discussing Design Concept
Neighbors review design
Neighbors review design
Neighbors review design
Neighbors review design
More neighbors
More neighbors
More neighbors
More neighbors
Sharing memories
Sharing memories
Sharing memories
Parks Estates HOA committee
Parks Estates HOA committee
Remembering Ustick Cannery
Remembering Ustick Cannery
Idaho Statesman 1916
Idaho Statesman 1916
Interurban Ad 1916
Interurban Ad 1916
Past owner of Ustick School, Jim Cochrane
Past owner of Ustick School, Jim Cochrane
Jim Cochrane talks about Ustick School building
Jim talks about Ustick School building
June Fitzgerald shares her family history
June shares family history
Shared historic photos
Shared historic photos
Ustick High School Diploma
Ustick High School Diploma
Ustick Eighth Grade Diploma
Ustick Eighth Grade Diploma
Visiting with Idaho Token Collector
Visiting with Idaho Token Collector
Valley Store (Ustick Merc) Token
Valley Store Token
Valley Store (Ustick Merc) Tokens
Valley Store Tokens

Mayor Bieter and project teamOn August 1, 2016 the Ustick Townsite Beautification Project team was honored to spend an hour with Boise Mayor Dave Bieter touring the Ustick Townsite.

During the tour we were able to share the design concept plan with the Mayor, discuss the history of the townsite and the role Boise City Arts and History will play in developing historical interpretive displays in the townsite. Energize Our Neighborhoods program coordinator, Melinda McGoldrick was on hand to share information about future collaboration between West Valley Neighborhood Association and the Energize program.

Mayor Bieter toured the industrial kitchen operating at the Merc and was treated to samples of salsa, tamales, scones and energy bars that are produced in the kitchen. Chrystal Madril, owner of Madril's Beauty Salon operating out of the old Ustick Bank, toured the Mayor through her shop and showed him the antique bank vault that still exists in the building. The Mayor was impressed with Redwood Park, the Shamrock Bicycle path, the Ustick School, Dr. Harlan Ustick's homestead and the new residential development currently underway in the Ustick Townsite.

It was an honor for our team to have this opportunity to spend time with the Mayor to share the Ustick Townsite concept design with him. We appreciate his interest and support of the Ustick Townsite Beautification project!

The Neighborhood Reinvestment Grant in support of the Ustick Townsite Beautification Project has been submitted to the city of Boise.

If approved, the grant will provide funding for phase one of the Ustick Townsite Project. Phase one includes landscaping the north and south side of Ustick from North Bryson Way to Wildwood St. Take a look at the beautiful concept design. Grant recipients should be announced in February 2017 and if our grant is awarded, landscaping on the project will begin during the spring of 2017.

The grassroots team, working with Boise City Planning & Development, volunteered more than 600 hours in bringing this project to life. Our team recently met with Melinda McGoldrick of Energize Our Neighborhoods to begin planning for a Ustick Townsite Farmer's Market at Redwood Park beginning in the summer of June 2017. There are so many exciting things to look forward to as the Ustick Townsite Beautification Project moves forward.

Thanks to the Ustick Apple Blossom Club for their donation of $200.00 toward the project. We are now able to take cash donations through the West Valley Neighborhood Association. Please consider donating to help make West Boise the most livable and beautiful part of Boise!

Mayor Bieter announced the 2017 Neighborhood Reinvestment Grant awards on March 23.

Great news to share! Phase I of The Ustick Townsite Beautification Project was funded at $106,215 for landscaping and Signage and $6,000.00 for Historical Interpretation Signage. It will be so exciting to watch the Ustick Townsite being transformed into a beautiful area we can all be proud of! Many thanks to Judy Herman, Cindy Ritchie, Barb Bancroft and Janie Hawes for their countless volunteer hours and passion for this project!! Our project manager from Boise City is Leon Letson and we look forward to working with him throughout the summer to complete landscaping and historical signage in the Townsite.

Energize Our Neighborhoods will be partnering with West Valley Neighborhood Association this spring in a "Visioning" exercise in which West Boise residents will have an opportunity to share their vision to improve our neighborhoods with Boise city planning officials. We will keep you updated on dates, times and locations of Visioning meetings. We hope you plan to attend to give your input!

Energize Our NeighborhoodsUstick in Bloom 2018, a community celebration at Ustick Townsite and Redwood Park

Ustick in Bloom was celebrated on May 12, 2018 with a dedication of the beautification project of the Ustick townsite by Mayor Beiter and members of the Boise City Council. The Mayor spoke about the grassroots effort of the West Valley Neighborhood Association that made the beautifcation project a great success and accepted a check for $20,000.00 from Wells Fargo Bank to continue with further improvements and beautifcation of the Ustick townsite.

Over 300 West Boise neighbors convened in Redwood Park to celebrate the dedication with shopping, dining and dancing to live music! Everyone who attended had a great time and is looking forward to celebrating more improvements on the project next year.

If you have an interest in helping out with next year’s celebration and serving on a planning committee to pilot a Farmer’s Market next summer in Redwood Park, please contact Judy Herman at Volunteers are needed to keep Ustick blooming!

Please take a moment to look at THE DEDICATION VIDEO and the photos below of our first Ustick in Bloom celebration.

Energize Our Neighborhoods Ustick in Bloom 2019, a community celebration presented by Energize Our Neighborhoods and the West Valley Neighborhood Association.

The second annual Ustick in Bloom West Boise Neighborhood celebration was held June 22, 2019 in Redwood Park. Over 500 neighbors gathered to celebrate our community on this beautiful summer solstice.

Many thanks to Boise City Energize Our Neighborhoods, West Valley Neighborhood Association and the Ustick Beautification project team for making our celebration a success! A special thanks to Mayor Dave Bieter for his continued support of the Ustick Beautification project and our Ustick in Bloom celebration.

Traveling Trolley Time Capsule
Boise Police Department
Greg Bridges & Josh Frost
Birdman of Boise
West of Ustick
West of Ustick

Mayor Dave Bieter AwardsWest Valley Neighborhood Association receives $50,000 Grant from Boise City for Phase 2 of Ustick Beautification Project.

July 24 2019 at an event in Magnolia Park in Northwest Boise, Mayor Dave Bieter announced that the city approved 20 neighborhood projects including a $50,000 grant for phase two of the Ustick Beautification Project.

Phase two will include purchase and installation of 10 poles in the Ustick townsite and signage for the poles that will identify Ustick as a historic area in West Boise. The UBP team is working with Energize and Boise City Planning on phase two of the Ustick Beautification project.

USP TeamEnergize Our Neighborhoods recognizes West Valley Neighborhood Association’s work to restore the Ustick Townsite.

On Sept. 28, 2019 at the Energize Boise Celebration the West Valley Neighborhood Association was presented with a special award by the city of Boise for their continuing efforts in revitalizing the Ustick Townsite.


Energize Our Neighborhoods Ustick in Bloom 2022, a community celebration in Redwood Park

West Valley Neighborhood Association in partnership with Boise City Energize Our Neighborhoods was delighted to sponsor Ustick In Bloom at our beautiful Redwood Park on June 18, 2022.

Over 300 West Boise neighbors came to the park to celebrate the return of Ustick in Bloom! This free community event featured local food trucks, craft vendors, community resources, children’s activities, live music, beverages by Lost Grove Brewing and over 20 raffle prizes donated by local merchants. Check out the smiles on our neighbors faces who attended Ustick In Bloom!

A special thanks to our hard working Ustick in Bloom Committee for volunteering months of their time to plan this special community event. Our planning committee: Janie Hawes, Cindy Ritchie, Jill Martin, Shana Woodbury, Roger Lawless, Sue Maben, Laura Metzler, Jeff Majors and Judy Herman. Also, a special shout out to our Ken Bass from The River radio station who volunteered his time to MC Ustick In Bloom.

Energize Our Neighborhoods Ustick in Bloom 2023, a community celebration in Redwood Park

West Valley Neighborhood Association’s signature event is our annual Ustick In Bloom neighborhood celebration. Ustick In Bloom is a gathering of neighbors to celebrate our West Boise community with live music, food trucks, community resource vendors, crafts vendors, raffle prizes, children’s activities and our partnership with Lost Grove Brewing.

Beginning in 2018 the Board of Directors of the WVNA partnered with Boise City Energize Our Neighborhoods to bring this special community celebration to Redwood Park. Every year Ustick In Bloom attracts more West Boise residents who look forward to celebrating our historic Ustick Townsite and our awesome West Boise community.

Take a moment to check out photos here and visit our West Valley Neighborhood Association website for further information and more photos of Ustick In Bloom.

Ustick Townsite Banners Are Installed

With the installation of the Ustick Banners in the Ustick Townsite, the West Valley Neighborhood Association celebrates another milestone in the Ustick Beautification Project! Our thanks to Idaho artist, Ward Hooper for his amazing “Ustick” art on the banners. The banners signify the historical significance of the Ustick Townsite as a special place in our West Boise community.

WVNA Ustick Townsite projects to date: landscaping on the north and south side of Ustick Road in the townsite area, historical signage on Ustick Road and Redwood Park, Ustick In Bloom neighborhood celebrations and our current project, public art in Redwood Park to be installed next summer.

Many thanks to the City of Boise for their support of our West Boise gem, the Ustick Townsite.

Energize Our Neighborhoods Ustick in Bloom '24, a community celebration in Redwood Park

West Valley Neighborhood Association’s signature event is our annual Ustick In Bloom neighborhood celebration. Ustick In Bloom is a gathering of neighbors to celebrate our West Boise community with live music, food trucks, community resource vendors, crafts vendors, raffle prizes, children’s activities and our partnership with Lost Grove Brewing.

Check out the photos here from another great Ustick In Bloom event enjoyed by over 400 West Boise neighbors! Please visit our West Valley Neighborhood Association website for further information and more photos of Ustick In Bloom.


Parks Estates Home Owners Association | West Valley Neighborhood Association | Boise City Planning and Zoning | Boise City Arts and History | University of Idaho School of Landscape Design | Boise City Energize Our Neighborhoods

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